Therefore I cannot refrain from speaking about the city of this world, a city which aims at dominion, which holds nations in enslavement, but is itself dominated by that very lust of domination.
- Saint Augustine, Concerning the City of God Against the Pagans
The term “MindWar” was coined in 1977 by PSYOP officers Col. Richard Sutter and Lt. Col. Michael A. Aquino.1 In 1980 Aquino was commissioned by his commanding officer at the time, Col. Paul E. Vallely, to publish a “talking paper” for internal “staff study” proposing conceptual innovations in how PSYOP could be conceived and conducted. The paper landed on the desks of “various governmental offices, agencies, commands, and publications involved or interested in PSYOP.” According to Aquino (2003), the innovative prescriptions he outlined in his 1980 MindWar paper were applied during the first Gulf War and the 2003 invasion of Iraq:
In both instances extreme PSYOP was directed both against the object of the attack and upon U.S. domestic public perceptions and opinions, in 2003 to the extent of “embedding” journalists with military units to inevitably channel their perspectives and perceptions.2
In 2013, Aquino published a book-length field manual, MindWar, in which he elaborated upon his influential 1980 reconceptualization of PSYOP doctrine.
An Elect Few
Michael A. Aquino (1946-2020) was a U.S. Army PSYOP officer with a permanent record of having been repeatedly and credibly accused of ritualistic sexual abuse of multiple children, some of whom were as young as three years of age at the time of the alleged abuse. Although Aquino, who enjoyed top-level Pentagon clearances, was protected from prosecution, his attempt to have his name expunged from the official Report of Investigation (ROI) into his alleged “sexual child abuse and related crimes” was unsuccessful:
[E]ven if the plaintiff’s claim was reviewable under the Privacy Act, it should be denied because plaintiff [Aquino] has failed to show that the report is inaccurate….
Plaintiff remains titled for indecent acts with a child, sodomy, conspiracy, kidnapping, indecent acts, and false swearing….
Even if cognizable under the Privacy Act, probable cause exists to name plaintiff in the title block of this ROI; consequently, the court should not expunge plaintiff’s name from the report, and plaintiff is not entitled to damages, attorney fees, or costs.3
Child abuse accusations surfaced at multiple U.S. military installations where Aquino was active, including the Presidio U.S. Army station in the San Francisco Bay Area, Offutt Air Force Base near Omaha, Nebraska, and Fort Bragg in California. Although suppressed by the U.S. military,4 when accusations of abuse at the Presidio daycare center became too persistent, two fires within a three-week period destroyed much of the center and its records. Shortly thereafter, charges were dropped, despite more than 60 children having come forward with allegations of abuse.
Investigations into a concrete bunker located behind the Military Intelligence building at the Presidio uncovered a ritual chamber arrayed with Satanic symbolism.5 Relatedly, a police raid of Aquino’s home in San Francisco (Aug. 14, 1987), “which was also the headquarters of Aquino’s Satanic Temple of Set,” resulted in the confiscation of “38 videotapes, photo negatives, and other evidence that the home had been the hub of a pedophile ring, operating in and around U.S. military bases.”6 Weapons, masks, and various “ceremonial items” were also observed there.7
According to clinical psychiatrist, Diane Ehrensaft: “The severity of the trauma for children at the Presidio was immediately manifested in clear-cut symptoms.”8
Many survivors of ritualistic child sex abuse are trauma programmed to never speak of it. This is especially true of survivors of Five Eyes9 child trafficking and programming operations, such as MKULTRA and Project Monarch. In her book, Eyes Wide Open (2020), survivor Fionas Barnetts relays how MKULTRA perpetrator Martin Orne co-founded the False Memory Syndrome Foundation with Michael Aquino. “False memory” allegations were intended to discredit the growing number of survivors who overcame their trauma programming and began testifying:
The concept of “false memory” was in fact the brainchild of Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, the US Army Intelligence Officer who headed Psychological Operations. In classic PsyOp style, Aquino appeared on Oprah dressed in theatrical pop-satanism garb, to muddy the waters after multiple children identified him as a Luciferian pedophile. Aquino was implicated in every major USA case involving CIA child trafficking, ritual abuse and MK-ULTRA mind control, including the McMartin Preschool, Presidio Preschool, and Franklin scandals. Aquino and Orne’s False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF) and its Australian counterpart (AFMA) were formed specifically to counter the tidal wave of disclosure by victims of CIA child trafficking and Project MK-ULTRA which began in the 1980s and peaked in the early 1990s before the CIA effectively shut it down. The FMSF Board comprised former CIA and military doctors with backgrounds in behaviour modification – not ritual abuse. All members were accused pedophiles and/or CIA perpetrators. Like PIE, the FMSF offered legal support to accused pedophiles.10
In addition to his permanent record of ritualistic child sex abuse, the MindWar mastermind is well-known for his deep involvement in various Satanic cults. Among other affiliations:
Aquino’s Satanic activities involved overt support for neo-Nazi movements in the United States and Europe. On Oct. 10, 1983, while travelling in West Germany on “official NATO business,” Aquino had staged a Satanic “working” at the Wewelsburg Castle in Bavaria. Aquino wrote a lengthy account of the ritual, in which he invoked Nazi SS chief Heinrich Himmler: “As the Wewelsburg was conceived by Heinrich Himmler to be the ‘Mittelpunkt der Welt’ (‘Middle of the World’), and as the focus of the Hall of the Dead was to be the Gate of that Center to summon the Powers of Darkness at their most powerful locus.”11
Jeffery Steinberg observes that “Aquino’s steady rise up the hierarchy of the Satanic world closely paralleled his career advances inside the U.S. military.” In 1975, five years before the distribution of his MindWar paper, Aquino announced that he had been authorized by Satan to found the Temple of Set. Satan appeared to Aquino as the Egyptian deity Set and supplied him with a founding document, The Book of Coming Forth by Night. According to expelled leader of the Temple of Set, Ronald K. Barret, Aquino’s Setian/Satanic religion evinced “strong overtones of German National Socialist Nazi occultism.”12
The Temple of Set was a splinter from the Church of Satan founded by Zionist gunrunner Howard Stanton Levey (a.k.a. Anton LaVey).13 Aquino was a high-ranking member of the Church of Satan from 1969-1975. There are Nine Satanic Statements of Belief avowed by Church of Satan members, of which the seventh and eighth read:
Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his “divine spiritual and intellectual development,” has become the most vicious animal of all!
Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification!14
The Church of Satan was founded by Levey to be a “temple of glorious indulgence.”15 Levey's Satanic belief system incorporated teachings from occult classics, the eugenicist tenants of Social Darwinism, and the political “might makes right” philosophy of Niccolò Machiavelli. Aquino’s philosophy largely overlaps with that of Levey; and like Aquino, Levey had associations with imperial militaries. One of Levey’s wives, Blanche Barto, author of The Secret Life of a Satanist: The Authorized Biography of Anton LaVey (1990), recounted that he was “involved with militant Israeli groups, some of which were running guns to the newly emerged nation – organizations with names like Betar, Hashimer Hatzair, Poale Zion, the Stem Gang, and Irgun.”16

In his 2017 book, IlluminAnX: Rosicrucianism Reawakened, Aquino regales his readers with a tale of his ‘furtive’ and ‘perilous’ participation in “Nameless Rites and Unspeakable Orgies that lasted well into the evening” at the Order of Dagon Hall in Innsmouth, Massachusetts. In the same book, he boasts that “Setian/Satanic initiation is too dangerous for all but an Elect few.”17
“[O]nce I stopped screaming,” Aquino recalls, referring to the Esoteric Order of Dagon rituals in which he participated, “I decided that they were kind of fun after all.”18
As I will demonstrate in future MindWar Intel briefings, the confluence of Satanic occultism, military intelligence, and imperial fascism has a long history and exercises a deeply pervasive influence over the minds of humanity today. Relatively visible and often celebrated figures who are especially representative of this confluence include Aquino, Aleister Crowley (1875-1947), Heinrich Himmler (1900-1945), and John Dee (1527-1608). Common to all such historical personages and the movements and organizations to which they belong is their affinity for esoteric spiritual practices that promote self-aggrandizement and the right of the “Elect few” to rule over “the profane,” often through mandates said to be obtained from demonic powers.
African philosopher and theologian, Saint Augustine, wrote of this megalomaniacal affinity for the demonic as rooted in a lust for power, “which holds nations in enslavement, but is itself dominated by that very lust of domination.”19 In Concerning the City of God against the Pagans, in reference to the fall of the Roman Empire, Augustine observed that “the lust for power…first established its victory in a few powerful individuals, and then crushed the rest of an exhausted country beneath the yoke of slavery.”20

Inspired by Augustine, MindWar Intel takes the rulership of libido dominandi to be equivalent to the rulership of Satan or hā-śāṭān (הַשָּׂטָ֖ן), the Father of Lies, doublespeak, dissimulation, false accusations and deceit (John 8:44,21 Job 1:7,22 Gn. 3:1-24,23 2 Th. 2:9-10,24 Rev. 12:9,25 Rev. 20:1026). Let us look next at how truth is transformed into lies through MindWar.
MindWar “Truth” and the Creation of a Moral Community
Aquino defines “truth” as the desire of the Elect “fashioned in support of basic political goals.”
“Truth” thus defined is willed into existence through MindWar: “You seize control of all the means by which his government and populace process information to make up their minds, and you adjust it so that those minds are made up as you desire.”27
In his 1980 paper, Aquino introduces the term “MindWar” as one of “attack and victory – not one of rationalization and coaxing and conciliation.” MindWarriors thus attack their targets with a “truth” or “stated promise of the truth” that the U.S. “has resolved to make real if it is not already so.” Accordingly, since a MindWar “truth” is “forced into existence by the will of the United States,” a MindWar message must always be portrayed as infallible and beyond all discursive procedures of verification. Instead: “its source makes it credible.”28
Thus, in short, according to Aquino’s 1980 MindWar paper: MindWar is a weaponization of “truths” fabricated by “the Elect” and aimed at human minds – both at subliminal and conscious levels29 – with the goal of forcibly entraining those minds into compliance with the will of those whose desires authoritatively dictate what is credible and what is not (the latter often being labeled as “conspiracy theories” promoted by “the lunatic fringe”).
In his book-length field manual, Aquino offers a more sophisticate definition of MindWar:
MindWar is the psychological and psychophysiological conditioning of all participants in a sociopolitical problem, first to cooperatively stabilize it without recourse to violence, then to eliminate its basis by the creation of a moral community to supersede it.30
Notice that the sociopolitical problem is the product of a process of conditioning, and that the conditioning – which involves “both liminal and subliminal operations of mind modification”31 – is such that it involutes its targets into what is termed “a moral community.”
A survey of the many covert and coercive means by which Aquino proposes to create such moral communities is beyond the scope of this briefing. Here I only note that one such means is the application of brainwave resonance (BWR) “to adjust the emotions and awareness of all individuals” via satellite-based platforms and electronic media systems such as televisions, computers, and cellular telephones. BWR, according to Aquino, are especially useful “to remove antagonistic or disruptive emotions and replace them with receptive and cooperative ones.”32
“Awake! The day has come,” Augustine exclaimed to his community of readers. The African Saint wanted to warn the world of the duplicitous devices used by those who are dominated by libido dominandi to demoralize and enslave humanity.
“The object is, by the one device to ensure the capture of the honorable minority, and by the other to prevent the reformation of the corrupt majority.”33
In our time, the devices have proliferated in number and intensified in power, but the object remains the same. Following Augustine, the task of MindWar Intel is to study and understand these devices so that we can avoid, dismantle, and intelligently answer them.
Vibe of the day:
Vallely and Aquino, “From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory” (1980; reprinted by Aquino in 2003), p. 2:
Ibid., p. 3.
Linda Goldston, “Army of the Night,” San Jose Mercury News, July 24, 1988:
Jeffrey Steinberg, “Satanic Subversion of the U.S. Military,” Executive Intelligence Review 32(33), August 26, 2005: pp. 21-23.
Diane Ehrensaft, “Preschool Child Sex Abuse: The Aftermath of the Presidio Case,” American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 62(2), April 1992, p. 236.
“Five Eyes” refers to the collaborative intelligence network organized between Great Britain, the U.S.A., Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
Fionas Barnetts, Eyes Wide Open: CIA Child Trafficking, MK-ULTRA in Australia, Ritual Abuse & Mind Control, Trauma-Based Forced Dissociation, Trauma-Focused Integration (Lockdown Edition, 2020): For more on the invention of “false memory syndrome” see Carl Raschke, “The Politics of the ‘False Memory’ Controversy: The Making of an Academic Urban Legend” in Ritual Abuse in the Twenty-First Century: Psychological, Forensic, Social, and Political Considerations (Robert D. Reed , 2018 [2008]), pp. 177-192.
Jeffrey Steinberg, “Satanic Subversion of the U.S. Military,” Executive Intelligence Review 32(33), August 26, 2005: pp. 21-23.
Quoted in Steinberg, “Satanic Subversion of the U.S. Military,” Executive Intelligence Review 32(33), August 26, 2005: pp. 21-23.
Thomas Müller, “On Anton LaVey’s ‘Secret Life of a Satanist’ and Satanic Bible,” December 2017:
Anton LaVey, The Satanic Bible (Avon Books, 2005 [1969]), p. 25. Emphasis mine.
Quoted in ibid., frontmatter.
Blanche Barto, The Secret Life of a Satanist: The Authorized Biography of Anton LaVey (Feral House).
Michael A. Aquino, IlluminAnX: Rosicrucianism Reawakened (2017), p. 19. Emphasis mine.
Ibid., p. 17.
Saint Augustine, City of God, trans. by Henry Bettenson (Penguin Books, 2003), Bk. 1, Ch. 1.
Ibid., Bk. 1, Ch. 30.
“You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”
“The Lord said to Satan [hā-śāṭān הַשָּׂטָ֖ן, the ‘accuser’ or ‘adversary’], ‘From where do you come?’ Satan answered the Lord and said, ‘From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking up and down on it’.”
“Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, ‘Did God actually say, “You shall not eat of any tree in the garden”’? And the woman said to the serpent, ‘We may eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden, but God said, “You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of the garden, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.”’ But the serpent said to the woman, ‘You will not surely die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil’.”
“The coming of the lawless one is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders, and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved.”
“And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world – he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.”
“And the devil who had deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur where the beast and the false prophet were, and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.”
Michael A. Aquino, “From PSYOP to MindWar,” p. 2.
Ibid., pp. 5-8. Emphasis mine.
Ibid., p. 9.
Michael A. Aquino, MindWar, p. 32.
Ibid., p. 33.
Ibid., pp. 99-100.
Saint Augustine, City of God, Bk. 2, Ch. 26.
Nathan, thank you for the time, energy and diligence you put into your research, writing and dissemination. This helps the rest of us who are not as knowledgeable about this material but who are seeking to know the truth.
I've been looking for this. Thank you for your work. Can't wait to read more.